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In the park

This is a beautiful park.

There is a tree beside the lake.

There is a taller tree near it.

There are two birds on the shorter tree.

Mike and Tina are reading under the shorter tree.

Tina is quieter than Mike.

Tina's book is bigger than Mike's book.

There are two dogs in the grass.

The white dog is smaller than the black dog.

Cooking class in english

The students are learning to speak English in cooking class.Bill doesn't know the answer to the first question.

Bill,how do you make spaghetti?

I don't know.

he teacher asks Bill another question.Does he know the answer to this one?

Bill,what do you need to make spaghetti?

I don't know.

Maybe Bill knows the answer to this question.Oh,no!He doesn't know the English word "pot".

Bill,do you need a pot to make spaghetti?

I don't know.

Say "yes",Bill.Some people use a spoon;some people use a fork,too.

Bill,do you eat spaghetti with a spoon?

I don't know.

Say "yes",Bill.Some people use a spoon;some people use a fork,too.

Bill,do you eat spaghetti with a spoon?

I don't know.

Bill doesn't know anything in this English cooking class.He has one more question.Maybe he knows the answer to this one.

Bill,what is spaghetti?

I don't know.

Hooray for Bill!

He got the answer.

Bill,can you say three words in English.

I don't know.

That's right.

Nancy and Jenny

Nancy and Jenny are twin sisters.They look like each other.Jenny's hair is longer than Nancy's hair.Nancy is taller than Jenny.They like running.But Nancy runs faster than Jenny.They also like singing.Jenny sings better than Nancy.Nancy is quieter than Jenny.Jenny is smarter than Nancy.Their bags are black. Nancy's bag is bigger than Jenny's bag.

Let's say.

1. Who is your best friend?

2. Who is taller,you or your friend?

3. Who is older,you or your friend?

4. Who runs faster,you or your friend?

5. Who draws better,you or your friend?

Say a rhyme

They are all very good

Pears,bananas and pineapples,

Oranges,peaches and apples.

Big fruit and small fruit,

They are all very good!

Learn to say

Get up,David.

All right.

Go to school now,Nancy.


Go home now,David.

All right.See you,Miss Li.

Go to bed now,Nancy.

OK.Good nighy ,Mum.

Say a rhyme

Green tea

Green tea,green tea,

It is for me.

In the cupboard,I see.

But where's the key?